Space Sound Shooter (2017)

A project realized in a week-long workshop under the guidance of Paul Wolfson and Alex Hulme, designers at Map Project Office, 3rd year Industrial Design Bachelor students and Media & Interaction Design Bachelor students have conceived “point-and-shoot” objects. Those ones were inspired by the opportunities created by this new wave of Open Source and could be made easily available to people who might need or want them.


Working along side Fabiola Soavelo in Media Interaction Design, such as myself, and two Industrial Design students Julien Chaintreau, and Johan Pricam we were able to finalize this functioning product.

The concept was “Music from your surroundings” by using a mix of two object that inspired us, and those two objects was a perfume bottle for its interactive properties and a music box for its audio properties.

Point this instrument at a surface, hear a note and then tweak it’s pitch and timbre. The electronics are designed to be open source and plans readily available to instrument makers to create their own unique products.

The Space Sound Sprayer is thought up as an open source product in which all the components as well as the plans can be found on the Internet. Every user can order their own electronic devices and assemble their own system. The parts that integrate the electronic system are removable so that all the components can be replaced.