Time Shift (2014)

A single pathway shows this short amount of time, from life to death, how simple life can be and how beautiful that simplicity is.

Time Shift is set with up a servomotor coded to spin 180 degrees and connected to an acrylic casted arm that is then connected to a compass. The code is set up to show the amount of force exerted on the pressure sensor with the Serial Monitor within the code to show the force in numbers starting from 0. Once the code is through with the pressure sensor and the motor attached to the breadboard, the pressure sensor is able to determine the amount of force to ‘spin’/move the motor.

For the canvas it is a piece of white plastic which would facilitate smoother and easier drawing and erasing. I also wanted to introduce the thought of palimpsest, which is writing, or creating, on the same surface but either erasing or adding more blank layers to hide the old piece.